Led by: Joe Lstiburek

Wednesday, October 27th at Tropicana Evansville Walnut Room

Click HERE for the Registration Form

Click HERE for the Sponsorship Form

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Builders, Remodelers, HVAC Contractors, Insulation contractors,
Window and Door reps, Architects, Engineers, Home Inspectors

The full-day workshop in Evansville will cover principles that make major impacts on the “health” of a home. Let your workers hear Lstiburek explain the reasons for effective flashing, or housewrap, and they’ll grasp the importance of proper installation. All contractors who attend will also understand products better, and make better choices for the materials they select in the building process.
Lstiburek will lead the group of contractors through identifying causes of costly problems, and implementing methods to correct them affordably. Lstiburek will provide intriguing issues through his own experience of handling common problems, as well as one-of-a-kind quandaries.